Sorry everyone!!! I didn't realize it's been as long as it has since I last posted. There has been a lot going on in my life these past few months...however, it's not really anything too exciting to write about. I had planned on posting pictures of my Christmas decorations, but my boyfriend has thieved the camera for work!
There is a lot of changes going on with people in my family, and I have been trying my best to be impartial and support everyone involved. It's really hard to keep yourself out of the middle of things when certain things that have been said about you by one person in the past are now just being brought to light. It's really hard to stay impartial when you don't fully agree with someone's actions to certain situations. I just try to remember that it is not my place to take sides because no matter what happens, it ultimately doesn't have anything to do with me.
Anyway, I hope to get back to posting my primitive creations, decorations, etc. here soon. Keep your fingers crossed that I get my own camera from Santa!!!!!!! Everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderfully Happy New Year!!!
⭐ Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram ⭐
10 months ago