Wow, what a busy weekend I had! Instead of doing a step-by-step of the entire weekend, I will give all of you a brief overview:
Thursday night, I picked up my mom and headed to Salt Creek Mercantile to drop off the items I made (view previous post). The shop owner, again, surprised me by purchasing everything I had made!!! It was amazing to see her store all decorated for the open house with all the Christmas lights, glitter, music, and everything in it's place before the mad rush of shoppers!
Friday morning, off I went with my mom and aunt to go to all the Christmas Open Houses of our favorite stores. I will have to post pictures later of everything I purchased (more than I should have). When we arrived at Salt Creek Mercantile (an hour after her store opened), the shop owner informed me that a few of my items had already sold and she needs more of them!!!
Skip to Friday night. Kohl's was open until midnight...and since I have lost so much weight lately (I have dropped two pants sizes) and had a wedding to go to on Saturday, my mom and I headed out. We shopped in Kohl's for 3 hours!!!!
Okay, so Saturday morning my wonderful daddy took my car for an oil change while my mom and I sat in our pajamas until we had to get ready for the wedding. The wedding and reception was a good time...I will just leave it at that.
Well, I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on my busy, busy weekend!! Talk to you all soon!
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10 months ago
Hi Tiffany,
Wow, that is so cool that the store owner bought everything you took with you...Congrats on that-AND that some of your stuff sold already! How very exciting! Congratulations on your weight loss-I love hearing about all the fun you and your mom have together. My mom and I are just like that. I love shopping with my mom too.
Have a great week,
congrats on selling all your goodies!!! losing the weight is even better!!!
glad to hear you had a good weekend. :)
Tiffany - I am not sure how I found your blog, but I love your decorations. I too am so into primitive decorating. I love love love it!! I will definitely be back to your site. Oh by the way... I live in London, Ohio. I go to Amish Country all the time. Have you been to Country Gatherings in Berlin, Ohio? Oh, you would love the store!!
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