I'm not sure what it is doing where you are at, but here in Central Ohio it is raining and cold (possible snow showers tonight)!!!!! I am so ready for the warmer spring weather already...this little teasing thing that Mother Nature is doing is not fair! To make it feel a little more like it is spring outside, I have started decorating my living room with flowers, bunnies, chicks, and brighter colors.
Before I show the pictures of what I have done so far, I wanted to show you another bunny I made using an Olde Homestead Barn pattern. I forgot to take pictures of him before I took him to the store...so the shop owner let me take pictures there!!! I call him Fluffy (the pattern is called Who you callin' Fluffy?). I think he turned out adorable!!!!!!
Now for some pictures of a few areas I have managed to finish decorating. I might have gone a little overboard with the flowers in certain areas...but I love the way it looks!!
This is my little entry way to my tiny apartment. I purchased this cute little guy at one of my favorite stores called Buggy Seat Antiques. She has the most amazing primitive antiques and handmade things I have ever seen!
The entry way leads into the living/dining room area (haven't done anything to the dining room area yet!). At the corner of the living room, I have arranged some old wooden boxes to make a table area for a light. The Sailer Duckie and his pull toy bunny (see him on the table??) were purchased from Robin of Bird In The Hand Primitives. The bunny on a spindle is another one that I made for myself (see previous post) using a Sweetpea's Primitives pattern. The redish-brown piece of furniture you see behind the bunny spindle is a drysink/washstand that my dad reworked for me (pictures of that to come later!). I love my wooden box that hold my Mercantile Gatherings, Country Samplers, and Create & Decorate Magazines.
On to my Jelly Cupboard!! I think I told all of you about my Jelly Cupboard when I first started blogging...but if not, my wonderful daddy built this for me!! He made the panals on the door removable so if I wanted I could replace with punched tin later. I'm not quite sure I am happy with how each shelf turned out, but for now it will do. The tall candle stand next to the cupboard only cost me $20.00!!!!
Okay, so those are the areas I have finished so far. I promise when I get more done, I will post some more pictures. Here is my check off list of things I want to share with you within the next couple of weeks:
1. The rest of my spring decorating.
2. My new cupboard I purchased (I love, love, love it!!!!).
3. The wonderful drysink/washstand that I am using as a television stand.
4. Crafts I have been working on.
5. My new haircut (hopefully I can find some good before pictures??).
6. My newly found obsessions!!!
More to come soon!!!!
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10 months ago
We are freezin here too (Illinois)
Love your bunny...just adorable and your decor is certainly uplifting ..nicely done! Cindy
Love the bunny!
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