So, I worked on my witch doll on Sunday and was so excited about her that I couldn't wait until Wednesday to post. I didn't have anything close to being accomplished on Wednesday, so just for today I am going to call this "Finally Finished Friday"...haha!!
I've been working on this scarecrow but was waiting until I got my spindles in the mail to finally get him somewhat together. He was inspired by a scarecrow I saw on Finders Primitives website and a pattern I saw on Patternmart by Sweetpea Primitives. I still have to attach a crow to his hat...but I wanted to make sure I posted him early today for you all to enjoy. He is rather large (almost 30 inches tall)!! I just love him to death!
And, just for Mary at Gettysburg's my recipe for Fat Friday.
Orange Dream Cake
1 pkg. French Vanilla cake mix
3 eggs
1 can (15 ounces) mandarin oranges, drained
3/4 c. vegetable oil
1 1/2 c. orange juice
Confectioners' sugar
1 container (16 ounces) Extra Creamy Cool Whip
1 box (4 serving size) vanilla instant pudding mix
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix cake mix, eggs, mandarin oranges, oil and 1/2 c. orange juice in a bowl. Pour into 13x9 pan. Bake according to package directions.
Remove from oven. Poke holes in the cake with a fork. Mix remaining orange juice (1 cup) with enough confectioners' sugar to make a thin syrup. Pour over hot cake, allowing juice to penetrate all the fork holes. Chill at least 2 to 3 hours.
Mix Cool Whip and pudding mix together. Use to ice the cake. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.
I might have a second post today...but not sure if I will be able to finish the next project. Have a great day!!!
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10 months ago
Your scarecrow is awesome!! I love his eyes. And the cake recipe, I'm definitely going to have to try that, it sounds sooo good!!
Tiffany, I love him!! I love his droopy eye, he shows so much personailty. i could almost hear his voice!! I was so glad to read your updates. i check out your site often. I loved your pictures of your jars. that same weekend we were on vacation in Branson Missouri and I found a whole box og jars with zinc llids too. I grunged some lables and used some of your ideas for display. I have a new site, please check it out. im learning to add photos. I have more today, better get busy!!
Hey Sis... Your right it did turn out great!!! Can't wait to the pics of what you're working on now. ;-)
I just love him, you are so talented:) I'll have to try that recipe...Stush is a sweet eater and would love it.
Have a great weekend.
I love him, what kind of spindles did you use?
I love your "critters" and your wonderful creations; I wandered onto your blog from backdoor primitives I think :) Ill be back; Im adding you to my list! Merrie
Yes, your scarecrow is awesome...and thanks for the recipe.
Tiffany, I love the scarecrow! He is great! I really like the handmade look to him - so many scarecrows are massed produced that they all look the same! Great job!
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